The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Dear LCW Friends and Family,

Join us for worship on this Sunday, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Wherever this email reaches you, know that you have a place to belong HERE, and we look forward to beginning our week together around God’s Word and Sacraments.This weekend our readings cause us to pause and consider how well we listen and obey. Whose standard’s do we follow? That of men and those that we set for ourselves? Those of God that He has established for our good? Regardless of where you are, geographically or life in general, we’re glad that you can be with us from wherever you are! You have a place to belong within the fellowship of this community!

SPECIAL NOTEWe are currently in search of our next musician to play piano for regular Sunday worship services. If this is a position that you are interested in, or if you know someone who would be, please contact Pastor Jake at for additional information.

To better serve and meet the needs of those worshiping online please take a moment to check-in for attendance. As we continue to grow in our technological and social media fluency the Elders, the Church Council, and I are all deeply grateful for your support, patience, and insight. Thank you in advance! Blessings on your Worship!

Blessings on your Worship!

In His hands,
+ Pastor Jake +
Rev. Jake Dickerhoff
Pastor, Lutheran Church of The Way

Looking for ways to support Jesus’ work at Lutheran Church of The Way?

Preschool lunch


Sunday School will resume after Labor Day with the beginning of school.



Watch for more info in the next week or two to be in “the know” for the beginning of the new season of Confirmation Discipleship.

To check us out, find past services/sermons, or follow us online for future info:

Want to talk or make an appointment with Pastor Jake?

Have a question? Prayer request? Or a Great Joke or Story?

In case you missed last week’s worship service:


First Reading / Old Testament:     Isaiah 55:6–9
Psalm:     Psalm 27:1–9
Epistle* / New Testament:     Philippians 1:12–14, 19–30
Holy Gospel:     Matthew 21:23–27
(* NOTE: The word “Epistle” refers to the letters that St. Paul, the apostle, and others wrote to individuals, as well as the early Christian churches, throughout the ancient world.)



Find a copy of our weekly bulletin and watch online at:



Want to support what Jesus is doing at LCW? Looking for ways to give?



Want to talk or make an appointment with Pastor Jake?



Have a question? Prayer request? Great Joke or Story?

          + Send an email to


To check us out, find past services/sermons, or follow us online for future info:

          + Stay current with our weekly updates and monthly newsletters:


          + Follow us on Facebook!


          + Subscribe to the LCW YouTube Channel:



First Reading / Old Testament:     Ezekiel 18:1–4, 25–32
Psalm:     Psalm 25:1–10
Epistle* / New Testament:     Philippians 2:1–18
Holy Gospel:     Luke 10:17–20  or  Matthew 18:1–11


Sunday:     September 24  |  Neh 9:22-38     |     Neh 10:1-13:31     |     1 Tim 6:3-21
Monday:     September 25  |  Mal 1:1-14     |     Matt 3:1-17
Tuesday:     September 26  |  Mal 2:1-3:5     |     Matt 4:1-11
Wednesday:     September 27  |  Mal 3:6-4:6     |     Matt 4:12-25
Thursday:     September 28  |  Deut 1:1-18     |     Matt 5:1-20
Friday:     September 29  |  Deut 1:19-36     |     Matt 5:21-48
Saturday:     September 30  |  Deut 1:37-2:15     |     Matt 6:1-15
(For full readings subscribe to “PrayNow” by Concordia Publishing House
available in the App Stores for iOS and Android devices.)