About Us

Lutheran Church of The Way is a community formed by Jesus in Baptism, and gathered by Him around Scripture, Prayer, and the Eucharist. Through the Church, Jesus seeks to draw all people to Himself, forgiving their sins by His death on the cross, and sanctifying them for a life of love for God and service to their neighbors. We have been serving Raynham and the greater South Shore for over 50 years.


Liturgy describes the worship of the Church form the very beginning. The LORD first prescribed the liturgy of the Tabernacle; so also, the first Christians in Jerusalem ``devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and the prayers.” (Acts 2:42) In continuity with the Church of all time, our worship is reverent, joyful, and Christ-centered.


As Lutheran Christians we depend fully on God's Word and Promises, and rejoice in all the ways He delivers to us the life and salvation won by Jesus on the cross. To this end, Christ has instituted Holy Baptism, The Lord's Supper, and Confession & Absolution, which form our worship and life together. To schedule private Confession & Absolution, please contact the Pastor.

Bible Study

Christ comes to deliver His gifts of mercy and love to us every Sunday in the Divine Service, and greatly desires that we grow in the faith which He has given us. Here at LCW we gather for Christian Education every Sunday at 9:30 A.M. while the kids are in Sunday School.