Sunday, April 14, 2024

Seeing is believing, and feeling is healing.

Our eyes can trick and deceive us, but it’s hard to deny the reality of something if you actually touch it. Throughout the Gospels there is a theme of physicality where God emphasizes and affirms the bodily nature of Jesus. The authors of the Gospels pay special attention to this detail to remove all doubt around  Jesus’ birth, life, suffering, death, and bodily resurrection – all for our sake!

Last week we saw PEACE residing in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Today we feel the HOPE of the Resurrection in the physical body of Jesus. Not only does he invite His disciples to touch his wounds, but He also eats in their presence as well. Living, breathing creatures need sustenance to support their bodies. However, if any doubt remains and further confirmation is needed that Jesus was resurrected in BODY and SPIRIT, dead things don’t eat. Spirits and ghosts don’t eat. Only the living need food!

“…and He said to them, ‘Have you anything here to eat?’ They gave Him a piece of broiled fish and He took it and ate before them.” (Luke 24:41-43)

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