Sunday, November 10, 2024 -- 10:45 am
Lutheran Church of The Way
Meeting Agenda
LCW Congregation Meeting Agenda
Sunday 11/10/24 @ 11:00am
- Call to Order
- Opening Prayer
- Approval of 2023 Congregation Meeting Minutes
- Pastor’s Report
- Council Board Updates (5 min each)
- Board of Elders
- Board of Stewardship
- Board of Education
- Board of Trustees
- Board of Service Organizations
- School Board
- 2025 Budget Review & Approval
- Land Use Committee Update
- Ministry Clarity Summit Update
- Thank You to All Council Members for their Service
- Departing Council Members
- Gyula Vince
- Linda Jacobsen
- Steve Jurczyk
- Affirmation of 2025 Council Nominations
- President – Harry Carlson (Filling 2nd yr of Term)
- Assistant to the President – OPEN
- Recording Secretary – Pam Newhall (Year 2 of Term)
- Treasurer – Peter Fuller (Year 2 of Term)
- Financial Secretary – OPEN
- Assistant Treasurer – Jim Rubenacker (Year 2 of Term)
- Board of Elders – Paul Bain (New 2yr Term)
- Board of Evangelism & Missions – OPEN
- Board of Stewardship – Hartmut Schroeder (Year 2 of Term)
- Board of Education – OPEN
- Board of Trustees – Andrew Mastrostefano (New 2yr Term)
- Board of Service Organizations – Wini Pickett (Year 2 of Term)
- Chairman of the School Board – Kim Sawusch (New 2yr Term)
- Departing Council Members
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
- Closing Prayer
Minutes from November 2023 Voters' Assembly
Lutheran Church of the Way Annual Voter’s Meeting
November 19, 2023
Meeting called to order at 11:03am.
Pastor opened in prayer.
No new members present who need to sign the constitution
The 2022 Annual Congregational Voter’s Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Steve J moved that the minutes be accepted. Dan L seconds. Motion passed unanimously.
Elder’s Report: Steve Jurczyk
We welcomed 16 new members this past year We confirmed two members
We had 7 children who made their first communion
Steve acknowledges and thanks Nik Locker for his service to the church. We miss him a great deal. We arelooking for a new organist and having difficulty finding someone. Please let Steve know if you know of a potential candidate
We acknowledge the need for technology and know it has delayed service starting. Working to improve
Steve reviewed the plan for Christmas Services this year. He also thanks Paul Bain and Fred Mueller for their service as Elders
Plan for 2024 – Congregational Action to Reach Everyone. A CARE Committee, to reach out to members who we miss, or haven’t seen in a while.
Pat H asks if we could consider alternatives to a pianist. Lynn R says she reached out to a local new music teacher to consider the role. He does not play piano but sings and could be a choir director.
Pastor is working on a letter to colleges. Pastor Mather knows someone (Kathy) who knows the liturgy and is willing to fill in during our pianist vacancy.
Kathy V commented that the later that church starts the noisier it gets. We are chatting instead of preparing for church. She asks if we can play hymns before the service starts while we are waiting. Steve will look into this.
Stewardship– Hartmut Schroeder
Last year was a bad pledge year.
This year we had pledges that total about $164,000.00.
Hartmut conducted a Social Survey of the congregation in September. Many folks were interested inparticipating in social activities, but there were few volunteers to lead them. There was a suggestion about creating a Social Events committee. Council felt the committee was unnecessary, however. 6 men showedinterest in starting a men’s group. Kathy V stated that she had volunteered to support Hartmut in organizing social events. She states 2 people can be a committee.
There was discussion regarding the lack of interest in pledging and how to energize this. Jon Skov thanksHartmut for his leadership. He also points out that we have many attendees who have partners who do not attend. This can cause barriers to giving. He feels we need to find what will inspire us to give. Paul B feels we need to do what Jesus told us – Go and make disciples of all nations.
Service Organizations – Wini
7 Women attended a retreat in Connecticut LWML continues to collect Mite boxes
Tonight is our Thanksgiving Dinner 12/10 is have craft day
12/17 cookie sale
WOW planning to visit the shut ins
To raise money for the youth group the church will have an 8×16 clothing shed to raise donations to raisemoney for the youth group 2025 national youth gathering. It is arriving on November 27th. The youth will raise 4 cents a pound for clothing collected. Plan is to send flyers out to the neighborhood that also include tracks and info regarding our Christmas services.
The Christmas parade is in the planning. Theme is a nativity scene. Volunteers to support the build, ride the float, and walk in the parade.
Chris A shares that there is no community that attends church functions. She feels we can’t reach our local community without first having a strong congregational community. There was discussion regarding howand in what ways to get activities and service projects well attended. Pastor Mather asks about the vision for this church and if we don’t have one, we should move towards creating one. Matt P asks that people consider and pray over this.
Trustee’s Report – Gyula Vincze
No major projects during the past year. Recurring maintenance occurred.
The shed was re-stained
Church yard had a great cleaning.
Jim R and Hartmut S helped fix the church siding.
Paul B fixed the damage to the former preschool room floor.
Gyula is grateful that Dan L, Paul B and John C have supported the maintenance of the church over the past year.
The roof is going to need to be redone but is holding its own currently. There is money in the CapitalImprovement Fund (CIF) to redo the roof when it is needed. There isn’t enough money in the CIF to cover redoing the siding if it becomes needed. Peter F asks if we need to start looking to create a plan for what we can do about siding when it is needed.
Christian Education: Kim Sawusch
Sunday School is going well. Younger kids are enjoying singing and older kids are working on lesson plans related to relationship build
School Board: Linda Jacobsen
In the past year the school board cataloged and organized all the preschool property. Hanover came and picked up much of the furniture.
It was suggested that we give our toys to the Banga Project, and this has been collected.
The Board has decided to move our Eastern Account Funds to LCEF. We have issues with the signatories on the LCEF account. Once we have new signatories, we will be moving it.
There is still work to do to move out the remainder of the preschool equipment. Hope to finish it in the coming year.
Pastor’s Report:
Pastor personally has had a busy year. Thanks to the church for its support
LCEF sent out an email about a class available- business skills for faith-based organizations. Pastor has enrolled in this. He was able to create a rough ministry engagement plan. It’s not a mission/vision statement but is pushing us in the right direction. It’s a yearlong class and at the end of the year, he plans to bring what he learned back to the congregation. The way we go about doing that is self-discovery. Whatare we gifted in and passionate about? Pastor hopes to set up another scheduled church meeting early in the year to revisit this. One suggestion made from the last meeting was to provide 20 meals for members of our community in need.
The plan is to organize this and get 20 meals ready and distributed before the end of the year. Out of the conversations we had on 10/29, Pastor created some short term / long term goals. (see attached). We will be meeting in the new year to revisit this. John asks if there will be a summary of the vision outcomes for the congregations.
4 Confirmands in class this year. These are all second-year students. There are no 1st year students. Pastor is planning a 1st Communion Class for early next year.
Hartmut S reminds us that we give 10% of our income to district missions. He believes that we should getsome feedback on what this mission money is doing. Pastor does not know how this money is being used.
Pastor reminds us that no matter what challenges we have as a congregation, we still are a body that trusts and loves Jesus, and he will always provide. As long as that stays in the forefront, we will be ok.
Treasurer’s Report – Peter Fuller (report attached)
Peter reviewed the church’s 2023 financial income and expenses to date (11/16/23) To meet our expenses, he has been drawing from our general fund savings.
Statement of Financial Position was reviewed and discussed. Comparing this year to last year. The savings account is an accumulation of all our savings including the capital improvement fund. The online giving process is saving us money. We are operating over income for 2023.
Peter states he doesn’t know what to do if he runs out of money in the savings next year. He would like to borrow money from the capital improvement fund if urgent.
Technically he is not supposed to do this without permission. Making this decision, the congregation hasthe authority in all matters to distribute funds. John S states that there needs to be a proposal on how to fix the deficit before we propose moving money. Steve J recommends that we have regular communication to the congregation regarding our financial status. He suggests a monthly summary in the newsletter. One line – what’s in, what’s out.
The proposed 2024 budget was reviewed.
Erik B asked about the janitorial and yard work options. Deb V recommended minimizing the weekly bulletin.
Kim S recommends that the Council meets first quarter, reviews the deficit, and identifies a recommendation for balancing the budget and how to support the treasurer in paying the bills.
Pam N asks if we have to support the district’s recommendations for increasing salaries %1? Paul B feels we should.
John S shares that postcard mailings could generate visitors. He asks us to consider using something like this and suggests using a portion of our giving to NED Missions for this as it serves to promote mission worklocally. Hartmut asks Jon to lead the idea. Jon is willing to look at that.
Matt P says we need to look at the ideas we are suggesting, flush them out and f/u with the appropriatecouncil member to see if they can generate initiatives (action). Jon S believes Town Hall type congregational meetings are where ideas need to be kicked around.
Discussion moves back to the budget. Our Constitution says that the council can act on behalf of the congregation in all matters.
Kim S moves to approve the 2024 budget as presented. Wini P seconds.
Discussion: Erik B states he would be more comfortable if the motion included that the council create a plan for how to balance the budget.
Paul B asks that we move the motion to accept as presented. Peter F seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
Back to motion to accept the budget Motion passes with one abstention – Jon S.
Peter ends with the town of Raynham’s assessment of the property; dirt rich, cash poor, spiritually blessed.
Council Nominations (attached)
Council Nominations: Wini Pickett is moving from Service Organizations to Evangelism and Missions Chairperson.
Open Positions: President, Assistant to the President, Service Organizations, Recording Secretary
Steve J nominated Dan Lorimer for president, and he respectively declined.
Guyla nominated Kathy V for the role. The congregation was told that this was not possible due to LCMS bylaws. A woman could be Assistant to the President. Matt shares his frustrations with the position.
Paul moves to accept the slate of officers and nominations as written Dan H seconds.
Steve motions that Jon Skov be nominated as president. Jon states he is unable to serve on the council due to his role with Thrivent.
Matt would consider staying on if there were a strong Assistant to the President in place. Motion passes without abstention.
Old Business
None Noted
New Business
Peter moves that Paul Bain be reaffirmed at Elder Seconded by Kim. Passes unanimously
Peter moves that we adjourn. Dan L seconds. Motion passes. Pastor closes with The Lord’s Prayer at 2pm
Annual Report of Pastoral Official Acts, Activities, and Ministry Highlights
Annual Board Reports of the Church Council for Lutheran Church of The Way
Review and Approval of the Budget for FY2025
Update on Upcoming Ministry Clarity Summit
Annual Report of Pastoral Official Acts, Activities, and Ministry Highlights
Annual Report of Pastoral Official Acts, Activities, and Ministry Highlights
Minutes from November 2023 Voters' Assembly
Annual Reports Of LCW's Church Council Boards
Annual Pastoral Report of Official Acts, Activities, and Ministry Highlights
Annual Reports of The Church Council
Annual Report for the Board of Stewardship
Annual Report for the Board of Education
Annual Report for the Board of Trustees
Annual Report for the Board of Service Organizations
Annual Report for the School Board
Board Reports from LCW's Church Council
Minutes from November 2023 Voters' Assembly
Report of Pastoral Acts, Activities, and Highlights
Proposed Budget For FY2025
Proposed Budget For FY2025
Meeting Agenda