Transferring and Establishing Membership
at Lutheran Church of The Way

Now that you have worshipped with us and consistently been a part of our fellowship for a while now, would you like to make this relationship official?
As you look ahead, we would invite you to consider officially transferring, or establishing, your membership to Lutheran Church of the Way. Membership is absolutely NOT necessary to participate in worship or fellowship with LCW. However, as God calls us to be a spiritual people and citizens of Heaven, we also live as citizens of this nation on earth. Church membership is one way we abide in our vocation as Christian Citizens. Each member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod has signed a charter agreement that serves two distinct purposes:
  1. The charter demonstrates our concord (“unity”) in the confession of our Christian faith. (Right Hand Kingdom)
  2. The charter provides a structure for how we, as individual members of each congregation, have agreed to operate and make official decisions. (Left Hand Kingdom)
As such, becoming a member of Lutheran Church of The Way would allow you to participate in discerning the direction of Christ’s ministry through His people at LCW. Voting members have the full rights to vote and serve in council offices, but whether or not you choose to exercise those rights would obviously be up to you. More than that, membership is also a record of your presence and participation in the life of this congregation.
if you are interested, we can facilitate your transfer and contact your previous congregation. In the meantime, you can also expedite things by completing this quick form online to help fill in some of the gaps beyond the phone/email info that you may have already provided.

Please take a moment to look over the form below – if you have any questions, thoughts, suggestions, etc. please do not hesitate to reach out to Pastor Jake ( Thanks again! God’s blessings!